Members details.


Full Member

Many times members will ask for info about a problem but not give enough detail. On the old WC forum you could click on their name and find extra information (such as make, model and year of their motorhome).

I have just tried this on here but cannot find any background info and I presume the new WC forum will be the same. Am I correct or am I missing something?
The info is there,, just buried a bit deeper 😂 If you click on the members name, and then click on it again in the pop up window, you get a new screen and on the toolbar, there is an option for “about” , click on that and you get the personal details including motorhome, yours just says Burstner .......
Am I missing the point?
If I ask for help about something, surely it's up to me to give enough details to make it easy for the person giving the advice, not make it at criptic quiz?

By the way, my car wont start. Anyone got any ideas?
To be completely honest, I've often thought the same as maingate.

I didn't realise that it was possible to drill down further.

Now I know too. Many thanks! (y)

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