Zaragoza Tourism Tokenism for People with Health Needs


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Cycled into Zaragoza on the network of Cycle Lanes that are excellent quality; no need to get into a 'live traffic' (motorised vehicles) zone for the entire route into the Old Town, where there are more access ramps than you can shake a stick at. So far, so good. My medication makes me a contender for the 'Peeing for Scotland ' Individual Event, and 45 minutes between visits is quite an achievement (got me a Jury Service excusal ...)

No Public Toilets anywhere. Tourist Office disinterested, suggested that I try the Library, which was closed, but then, after about 15 minutes of increasingly urgent searching, I spotted the Town Hall ... The Duty Policeman confirmed at 15:32 that there were Public Toilets, but the Town Hall is a Public Service which was closed until 16:00, and there was nothing he could do ... By that time, I would have peed myself, but, fortunately, Elaine found a Mercadona on the other side of the River. Sod the One Way Street, rode down it, locked the bike to a lamp post, and made it into the (fortunately vacant) unisex/disabled loo with about 2 seconds to spare.

Did some shopping, rather than just using the facilities and clearing off, and then rode back into the Old Town Square, by which time I needed to go to the loo again! Town Hall was open, so assumed it would be trouble free ... Same Policeman, this time behind a desk, operating the Security Scanner, and I am about 6th in the queue to be checked, bag through Scanner, phone and metal objects in small box at side. My hip replacement pins set the Scanner off, so I was scanned by hand, setting off the alarm again and then sent back through the full Body Scanner where I got my hat trick of Alarms. Policeman just waved me through to the Toilets at the back of the building, before I peed myself ...

What is difficult about having a public toilet open during the tourist season? I could have visited a local cafe, but that would have required the purchase of a coffee or a sugar laden soft drink, both of which would have made me want to pee more ... But Zaragoza has dealt with the public's health needs by chucking in some ramps and allowing wheelchair and mobility scooter access. Job done - I think not. Tokenistic twattery

Steve, Valencia has 150 kilometres of cycle lane, along with dropped kerbs and cycle traffic lights

I agree about the lack of public toilets, all beachside loos are closed. You should do what the Spanish do, whip it out and water the plants, or trees, or anything else lacking water, I have witnessed this practice often here in Spain and France, seems to be a male thing though, not seen any females doing this to date.
My medication makes me a contender for the 'Peeing for Scotland ' Individual Event, and 45 minutes between visits is quite an achievement
i got similar complaint plastic pee bottle off amazon an a corner any where does it for me
We were camping in Norfolk, and my wife needed a pee. So I pulled over in a remote spot and she nipped into the field.

Just when it was impossible to stop, an old lady cycled slowly past, and gave her a long look.

Apparently, that was my fault too. ☹️
The nonsense of having to go through a full security check when needing a pee really does take the biscuit, as does the 'You'll have to wait until 16:00 for the services to open'

Meeting the needs of tourists with disabilities? Really, Zaragoza? Don't trip over your complacency as you step into the real world ... :mad:

Most bars don't mind you just using the facilities. Unlike at home .
Public toilets provision does seem to vary a lot on mainland Europe . Hence bars are more than happy to let you use their facilities .
At home most bars don't mind if you ask politely
Well I'd rather be male than female in that situation.
I bought a she-wee once, practised in the shower as suggested, then used in earnest in a hedge in Warwickshire. Back to the van and straight into the bin with it!
In a strange town or city I walk into the poshest hotel I can see and march straight past reception as if I'm staying there or meeting someone. There's usually a loo near the bar.
Public toilets provision does seem to vary a lot on mainland Europe . Hence bars are more than happy to let you use their facilities .
At home most bars don't mind if you ask politely
I checked on this afternoon's return visit; lots of Bars displaying the 'Toilets for Customers Only', and that stipulation just delays the problem, because I shall need a second pee 30-45 minutes later when the drink from the bar reaches the bladder! Solution was not to buy anything from the Bars or Cafes, and to use Mercadona toilets again, in return for more grocery supplies ...

What about this Steve, they work well in a drysuit.
See what I mean Steve, out for a cycle, minding our own business, came around the corner and there he was, peeing like a camel!!
I checked on this afternoon's return visit; lots of Bars displaying the 'Toilets for Customers Only', and that stipulation just delays the problem, because I shall need a second pee 30-45 minutes later when the drink from the bar reaches the bladder! Solution was not to buy anything from the Bars or Cafes, and to use Mercadona toilets again, in return for more grocery supplies ...

Signs like that suggest too many taking [giving] the piss . In my experience a polite request is seldom refused .
A high percentage just march in as if your premises are a public toilet .
What is difficult about having a public toilet open during the tourist season
Really? You are asking this as a resident of the town where they closed the public toilets, and instead set up Portaloos right next to them last summer?

Do we have a 'shaking head in despair' emoji?
Steve can I ask where you stayed when visiting Zaragoza?
Really? You are asking this as a resident of the town where they closed the public toilets, and instead set up Portaloos right next to them last summer?

Do we have a 'shaking head in despair' emoji?
Zaragoza is a bit more of a Tourist destination than Burntisland, Jo. And if public facilities have to be judged on the standards of Burntisland and Fife Council, then there is no hope for humankind ...

Steve can I ask where you stayed when visiting Zaragoza?
Area Autocaravanas de Zaragoza Aire, Graham, adjoining the Rio de Campus football pitch. Search for S33630S. Very popular, full by just after midday, despite the 48 hour stay limit


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