Asda Spondon autogas

And another one bites the dust
We had three in Keighley, now down to two but one (Texaco) although it has a digital price of 89.9 pl, it doesn't have any, Morrisons has it at 99.9 pl
this is our nearest stockist , last time as we came back from hereford filled up just below evesham still 82p there
ASDA used to get their gas from FLOGAS in Nottingham but FLOGAS haven't had any gas in their retail tank during the winter as they have been using it in their own cylinders. They must make more money out of it that way. Their tank was not going to get filled again until the end of April.
ASDA used to get their gas from FLOGAS in Nottingham but FLOGAS haven't had any gas in their retail tank during the winter as they have been using it in their own cylinders. They must make more money out of it that way. Their tank was not going to get filled again until the end of April.
before i left for portugal in january the flogas depot in leicester told me exactly the same still none at the moment,
but someone is making money i’ve just renewed my contract with calor for my bulk tank at home 1200ltrs fixed price 47p + vat nearest autogas supply £1:20 ??
before i left for portugal in january the flogas depot in leicester told me exactly the same still none at the moment,
but someone is making money i’ve just renewed my contract with calor for my bulk tank at home 1200ltrs fixed price 47p + vat nearest autogas supply £1:20 ??
You could try Gaslow in Loughborough. They don't fill vehicles so only supply for cooking and heating so 5% vat. It was cheaper than elsewhere when i couldn't get any in Nottingham.
before i left for portugal in january the flogas depot in leicester told me exactly the same still none at the moment,
but someone is making money i’ve just renewed my contract with calor for my bulk tank at home 1200ltrs fixed price 47p + vat nearest autogas supply £1:20 ??
Can you not tap into that and fill cylinder.
Yes its a dying UK forecourt service, our local Sainsbury's has removed their pump and I think its a national decision. After problems with bottles during covid I installed 1 galsow so now cover both option with 1 gaslow and 1 propane bottle.
Sorry to be dense but is autogas the same as LPG? Can I use it in my Gaslow system?
Called into Asda at Spondon Derby to fill up with gas, cashier told me they no longer sell it and the pump is being removed.
It is was my local LPG provider, always the cheapest around here by a long way :(
What should I be looking for in Portugal as LPG as I don’t think I’ve seen a garage doing it yet.
There seems to be bio-diesel at some🤔
You may have to search for refillable gas especially in central Portugal as all galp garages and several others will only sell for engine use .I tried saying it was for engine but didn’t get away with it, no longer a problem for me as I don’t have refillable any longer.