Is there a truck stop app for France/Europe

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Which is in English I've tried a few and I don't do French sadly :( :(
Overall we find truck stops in the UK to be reliable and not silly prices, plus good parking, hence the question.
Have a look at “Les Relais Routiers”, there is a map showing locations, basically they used to be truck stop cafes, but the few I had visited in the past were a cut above the greasy spoon premises you find here.
Just look for this sign, As a ex trucker the les routiers in france are for everybody not just truckers most don't start serving till about 8pm and you just fill each table up make's it easy for the waitress you can have 4 or 6 on a table all different nationalities
Just look for this sign, As a ex trucker the les routiers in france are for everybody not just truckers most don't start serving till about 8pm and you just fill each table up make's it easy for the waitress you can have 4 or 6 on a table all different nationalities
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By the way your in France the menu's will be in FRENCH it's what they speak over there lol
Got an app for that, and I bet their English is better than my French.

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