New topics.


New topics.

How do we start a new topic-not in motorhome chat-a new topic altogether somewhere else?
Click on forums at the top this will bring a list of the different sections click on the one you want then at the top of the page there's a blue box that says new topic click this.
Hit the 'List Forums' button in the 'Site Navigation' box on the right hand side of the Home screen.

Click on the forum you want to start a topic in.

At the top of the screen there will be a '+ New Topic' button, hit that and take it from there!
Thanks but I mean a new topic, not one provided or sanctioned. A NEW topic not before seen on the forum.
teejay;n6011 said:
Thanks but I mean a new topic, not one provided or sanctioned. A NEW topic not before seen on the forum.

Private message Phil as he may have to ok it
Sorry, yes, Phil has to do it, otherwise we would have thousands of topics!
LOL - don't know what it is yet, just wanted to know as its not writ anywhere. He'll see this anyway i'm sure.
Robmac;n6015 said:
Sorry, yes, Phil has to do it, otherwise we would have thousands of topics!

And why not indeed??? well a few more anyway!
Robmac;n6021 said:
Site navigation would be a nightmare.

I was waiting for tee jay to enlighten us as to what is missing.
I don't think there is particularly anything missing-my last post on it was a humorous reply to the comment that site navigation would be a nightmare if we had lots more topics.
Just wanting to know the position on it that's all. So I am waiting for admin to enlighten us all.
teejay;n6161 said:
I don't think there is particularly anything missing-my last post on it was a humorous reply to the comment that site navigation would be a nightmare if we had lots more topics.
Just wanting to know the position on it that's all. So I am waiting for admin to enlighten us all.

I think that Admin is otherwise engaged at the moment, but the replies so far seem to explain the situation. If you have something to discuss which is outwith any of the other categories there's always the speakeasy section.
Hi, first let me explain the labels. The main sections of this website are called forums (motorhome chat, off topic chat, jokes, speakeasy) only Admins can add new forums. Forums contain topics, anyone can post a new topic. Topics contain posts.

I am happy to consider adding new forums if there is a need for them. But I don’t want a website where there are loads of forums and it becomes too complex.


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