This weekend M25 Junctions 10 & 11 section closure.


Full Member

We use Edinburgh A1 south towards Folkstone and of course using Dartford Crossing. After Dartford bridge I leave motorway at junction 3, then pick up the M20 towards the tunnel.

From me checking google maps, I don't think the section closure will affect us, any members from around M25 ring road confirm we should be OK?

Trying to plan in advance of this closure news..............thanks.
Hello, yes it is only the western section. They are upgrading junction 10 with the A3. There are 4 more planned weekend closures in the future but dates are yet unknown.
Hello, yes it is only the western section. They are upgrading junction 10 with the A3. There are 4 more planned weekend closures in the future but dates are yet unknown.
I read further closures will be around September, to be confirmed.

Thank you for your reply.

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