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i only occasionally eat breakfast i have the occasional full english don’t like cereal but porridge or toast now and again ! although i’m diabetic and have high blood pressure i love grapefruit particularly the pink variety i peel and segment a whole grapefruit a whole orange in their juice pour over honey and eat it over two days , i am gorging myself down here in silves there is a pickup that comes round the aire a couple of times a week the guy picks the fruit first thing and brings in mandarins lemons oranges grapefruit etc in crates, i have just been out to him pointed to the grapefruit offered €2 and he filled a carrier bag with 15 grapefruit and threw in a couple of navel orange’s me served lol
Just a bowl of Flahavans porridge for me today with a tiny bit of salt.
Oh god no no no, Tis Irish porridge, it'd ex plode.
is that a hospital bed sam ? have you had some money removed from your sporran , seriously hope it’s nothing major
Twas yesterday, only one night in,fortunately I had insurance, straight forward op but laid up for 6 weeks. The fox thought ahead though have 20 gallon of IPA ready and kegged before I went in.😂
Twas yesterday, only one night in,fortunately I had insurance, straight forward op but laid up for 6 weeks. The fox thought ahead though have 20 gallon of IPA ready and kegged before I went in.😂
Ex boy scout?

Hope it was nothing serious and you fully recover.

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