Power Guardian System


Full Member

The Romahome we have bought has a Power Guardian touchscreen system fitted. Unfortunately the operating instructions are vague. Does anyone have any knowledge of these please. Apparently the firm has gone into liquidation.
Thank you in anticipation.
Tissy D
I have no knowledge of them and there appears to be very little info on the web.
You might try a Google search using the terms "muvonics" "power guardian". Ensure that you use the quote marks.
Very few hits, but a review of the Romahome R40 which makes mention of the Muvonics touchscreen and Power Guardian and a couple of forum posts from people requiring assistance with the units.
Cheers I will have a look
Thanks TJBi. Unfortunately there does not seem much help out there. Looking on other forums it seems as if several people have changed these units and chargers.
Thanks TJBi. Unfortunately there does not seem much help out there. Looking on other forums it seems as if several people have changed these units and chargers.
That was my feeling as well but I thought that you would probably prefer to see for yourself. :)

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