Weather Report..................

Still having small problems with my phone, it seems... Apologies.?
Aww, don't leave us, Bill. :p
It might turn wet and nasty where you are. We'd all hate to miss that !
It is supposed to be cloudy, but rain free here, so I set off to walk to the village, pooh poohing Jennies suggestion to wear a raincoat... Halfway there, the heavens opened. Luckily, at 14 degrees, a large brandy was waiting for me at the coffee shop.

Well it was dull and bliddy cold when I got up but that turned to blue sky and sun, now s few scattered clouds, sun and a bit of breeze on top of the hill. Going to have some late brekkie and take dogs out again then will start thinking if I am going to stay here again or move elsewhere

Oh yes, a few miles outside Buxton on top of a hill watching the sheep go by :)